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Resources to increase our understanding of neighbors around the world. Current focus is on Guatamala, Honduras, Columbia and the Middleast. 


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We advocate for Peace & Justice around the world with the Middle East, Latin America and others a key focus.

Presbyterians yearn to join in partnership with the global church, coming together as one body in Christ. It is in the spirit of partnership with our brothers and sisters in other places that the PC(USA), through an action of the 212th General Assembly in 2000, encouraged congregations, presbyteries, synods and other church bodies to “do mission in partnership.” Presbyterian World Mission’s international partnership manual helps Presbyterians better understand “mission in partnership” and provides advice for establishing and maintaining a mission partnership.

The closest international partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) live in the Central American, Mexican and Caribbean region. This gives Presbyterians the opportunity to get to know Christian brothers and sisters from the countries represented in the region because of the ease of travel and communication. As Presbyterians get to know these Christians they find that the economic situation of many is fragile. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) relates to a number of Christian institutions and churches in a manner that engenders trust and sharing.


Honduras Trip 2024
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Message from Palestine (2023_09_26 04_39_30 UTC)
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Statement on Palestine
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Self Development - Dulce Nombre (2023_09_26 04_39_30 UTC)
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Self-Development of People Exemplified (2023_09_26 04_39_30 UTC)
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Sewing Together the Past and Present (2023_09_26 04_39_30 UTC)
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The prophetic role of the Church in Human Rights (2023_09_26 04_39_30 UTC)
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Honduras Photos
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Music School in Rural Honduras
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Colombia Facts
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Honduras Facts
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Guatemala Facts
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Washington Office on Latin America (An organization that advocates for human rights and peace in the Americas)

Friends Peace Teams (A Quaker organization that develops long-term relationships with communities in conflict around the world to work for justice and healing, and to create enduring cultures of peace.

A full-blown famine is imminent in Gaza and Jewish voices are some of the strongest asking for peace.

Learn about and/or join Presbyterian delegations going to destinations you have a passion to help. These include Columbia and even one planned for Palestine in October 2024.

Presbyterians working for peace in Colombia.

PCUSA missions is an excellent resource on many issues. This article addresses the crisis in Gaza.

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