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Hope to see you at the PW Churchwide Gathering in St. Lewis on August 8th - 11th.  If your church wants help in scheduling  ZOOM  attendance to this contact Dodie Weiland @

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Schedule your PW Meeting Speakers for 2024 - 2025 Now!
(Upcoming events all can join can be shared here too!) 

Want to know what a PWPGC Gathering is like?  Here are snipits from our 2024 Spring Gathering.

It was wonderful to have so many PWc's represented at our PWP Grand Canyon Spring Gathering at Orangewood Presbyterian Church in Phoenix, on April 13th, 2024! Catch up or revisit the fun

by viewing the videos and pictures below.  You can also add your pictures/videos to our share drive through the UPLOAD  button below.  Stay tuned, more to come soon!


Learn about the 2024 PWPGC Spring

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