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de Cristo Committees

de Cristo Presbytery


The Administration Committee has the following areas of responsibility:
– Finance and Fund Development
– Endowments and Investments
– Technology and Communications for the Presbytery
– Personnel
– Risk Assessment, Insurance and Congregational Property

Commission on Ministry

The Commission on Ministry (COM) is an administrative commission authorized by the Presbytery to approve all matters specified in the Book of Order G-3.0306 and G-3.0307, other than matters related to candidates and inquirer, and report those actions to the Presbytery. (See the Manual of Operations for a complete list of responsibilities)

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team shall serve as the leadership body of the Presbytery, monitoring/adjusting/challenging/leading the total mission and programs of the Presbytery. The Leadership Team shall function in (a) a generative mode, providing Biblically and spiritually-grounded, missionally-oriented conversations that may, in fact, challenge the current strategic direction of the Presbytery, (b) a strategic mode, in partnership with the Commissions and Committees, as they together work to establish and accomplish the goals of the Presbytery and (c) a fiduciary mode as required by law in the Leadership Team’s role as Trustees of Presbytery de Cristo.

Macedonian Ministries

Macedonia is a program that focuses on congregational revitalization, for our local congregations are the foundation of mission and ministry within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Macedonia is offered to all active teaching elders and all active commissioned ruling elders within the presbytery.


Pastors interested in participating in the Macedonia pastors’ cohort, please contact Presbytery Pastor Brad Munroe at


The Mission committee coordinates, develops and executes strategies in concert with the mission and community outreach commitments of the congregations of the Presbytery. It exercised oversight and authority over immigrant congregations, new worshiping communities and new church developments and serves as the agency of the Presbytery which interprets the mission of the Presbytery to its congregations and members- requesting support for the mission of the Presbytery.


The Presbytery de Cristo mission partners are: Companeros in Mision, Frontera de Cristo, Korean Presbyterian Tucson, Middle Easter Presbyterian Fellowship, Papago United Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, Tucson Borderlands Young Adult Volunteers.

Preparation for Ministry

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry will function as a committee to approve all matters related to the enrollment of Inquirers, advancement of Inquirers to candidacy and “certification of readiness to be examined for ordination pending a call” shall be approved by the Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) in plenary session upon recommendation of the committee’s liaison groups and examining subcommittees. (see the Manual of Operations for a complete list of duties)


The Nominations committee will encourage participation in the ministry, mission and work of the Presbytery by qualified persons throughout the Presbytery. It will work to nominate persons to serve in compliance with the Manual of Operations and the policies of the Presbytery for: Moderator and Moderator-Elect, Leadership Team, other commissions and committees of the Presbytery, commissioners and advisory delegates to General Assembly and Synod and any boards needing appointment by the Presbytery de Cristo. It will serve as the Committee on Representation as well. (See the Manual of Operations for a complete list of duties)

Permanent Judicial Commission

Will adjudicate disciplinary and remedial cases which may come to it.

Committee Chairs
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